Starting on Jan. 1 of 2024, the state of Minnesota is releasing nine new, special license plates available for purchase.
(ABC 6 News) – Starting on Jan. 1 of 2024, the state of Minnesota is releasing nine new, special license plates available for purchase.
According to the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety, the new plates were approved in the 2022-2023 legislative session and is the most the state has ever released in one year.
In addition, several charitable foundations will benefit from the new plates.
“Special plates are a great way to personalize your vehicle and display your interests or support for different organizations and causes,” said DVS Director Pong Xiong. “The addition of these plates gives Minnesotans more ways than ever to show what they’re passionate about, whether it’s their favorite sports team, community service or bringing attention to missing and murdered Indigenous people.”
One of these new plates will feature a designed geared towards creating more awareness for the newly established Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) Office. This will showcase a red handprint, synonymous with the MMIR office, which represents the high number of Indigenous people nationwide affected by violence. It also features a ribbon skirt meant to represent resilience, survival, identity and connection to the Earth.
The funds collected from purchasing the MMIR license plate will go to the Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag reward Account to bring more attention to cases of missing and murdered Indigenous relatives.
Six of the state’s new license plates will highlight Minnesota professional sports teams, including the Vikings, Twins, Timberwolves, Lynx, Wild and United. Each of these plates was designed by its respective team with all fees generated by purchasing the plates benefiting charitable foundations set up by each organization.
The Lion’s Club, a non-profit service organization, will also have a plate benefitting its charitable foundation.
For the first time ever, Minnesotans will also have the opportunity to purchase a black license plate.
Commonly known as ‘blackout plates’, the plate will feature a black background with white lettering. Fees from each purchase will go towards supporting operations at the Dept. of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) division.
Starting on Jan. 1, Minnesotans will be able to purchase license plates geared towards the Vikings, Twins, Timberwolves, Lynx, Lion’s Club, and the new blackout plate.
License plates for the Wild, United and MMIR will be available sometime after January, but no official dates have been set, according to DVS.
The new plates will cost $15.50 and require a minimum yearly contribution of $30.
The Vikings and blackout plates will be stocked and available for same-day purchase at deputy registrar offices as inventory allows. All plates will be available to order online or in-person at a deputy registrar office and mailed out to the recipient.
Minn. DVS offers 123 different special plates and has issued around 143,000 special plates so far this year as of Dec. 21.
A full catalog of available special plates is available here.