To simplify the management of multiple books, I put all of them together into them together into one file, then used \cleardoublepage , \setcounter
\documentclass \begin \begin This is the first title page. \end \tableofcontents \chapter \cleardoublepage \setcounter \begin This is the second title page. \end \tableofcontents \chapter \chapter \end
LaTeX way of creating a table of contents is to write a line for each TOC entry into a file named \jobname.toc . (I.e. every time a \section or so is encountered.) The \tableofcontents macro basically (via the \@starttoc macro) reads in that file and clears it afterwards. Therefore, you can't "abuse" the \tableofcontents for your purpose.
Commented Dec 17, 2011 at 1:54It might be a better solution to have them in different files and then join only the pdfs with the iad of the pdfpages package. PS. It's a pity that you deleted your question about "omitting" once-used counters: this is something many people might find useful, I was just about to start coding that;).
Commented Dec 17, 2011 at 2:00The titletoc package, for example, would let you have multiple independent ToCs, but simply resetting the page counter will produce problems with hyperref (the typical pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name
Oh, sorry, I thought that question was not a good question because I found inparaenum does what I needed. Now, I see maybe others need that too. I have reposted the question.