Are you eligible?

Anyone who experiences serious personal injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, on or after 1 July 2016, may be eligible to receive support from NIISQ.

NIISQ is a no-fault scheme. This means we can provide treatment, care and support regardless of who was at fault in the accident, as long as you meet all eligibility criteria as outlined in the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016 and National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Regulation 2016.

In line with the NIISQ Act and Regulation, a serious personal injury includes:

Permanent spinal cord injuries

Permanent injury to the brachial plexus

Traumatic brain injuries

Multiple or high-level limb amputations

Permanent blindness caused by trauma

You can read more about specific eligibility requirements by clicking on each injury type below. This information can also be found in section 5 of the NIISQ Regulation. We also have an overview information sheet that you can view by clicking here.

Eligibility criteria for the amputation of more than 1 limb or parts of different limbs

A permanent injury to the brachial plexus resulting in an impairment equivalent to a shoulder disarticulation amputation.

Eligibility criteria for an inhalation burn resulting in a permanent respiratory impairment.

To enable us to make a decision regarding your eligibility, we need information about the motor accident and your injuries. This may include information from police, ambulance, hospitals, and insurance companies.

Click here to find out more about the application process.

If you need further assistance, please contact us.

Review of eligibility decisions

You have the right to request a review of our decision about your eligibility for NIISQ. The injured person, someone acting on their behalf or the CTP insurer can dispute the eligibility decision.

Our review of Eligibility Decisions information sheet provides more information, or you can read more information below.

  1. NIISQ Agency makes its original decision about your treatment, care and support.
  2. You receive a notice advising you of the NIISQ Agency’s original decision.
  3. If you don’t agree, you have 28 days to request an internal review. Complete the
    Internal Review application form and submit it to the NIISQ Agency.
  4. The NIISQ Agency will review the original decision within 28 days. Extensions may occur if further information is required.
  5. The NIISQ Agency lets you know the internal review decision within 14 days of making the decision.

If the MAT is the appropriate external review body, you will need to contact the NIISQ Agency to request a referral to the MAT within 28 days of the internal review decision. You can do this by contacting NIISQ at or GPO Box 1391, Brisbane QLD 4001. Once the request is received, the NIISQ Agency will be in touch to assist you through the review process.

If QCAT is the appropriate external review body, you will need to complete a QCAT application (Form 23 – Application to review a decision) and lodge the application with QCAT within 28 days of receiving the internal review decision.

Further information can be found on the QCAT website

You must first request an internal review before an external review of the decision can occur. An internal review must be requested within 28 days of our decision, and can be submitted via the Internal Review application form below:

NIISQ Internal Review application form

You may disagree with us on a decision we’ve made about your treatment, care or support needs. It is okay if you don’t agree and it won’t affect how we work with you.

Last updated: October 2023