Apply Online Instructions

Online applications are accessed through SecureAccess Washington (SAW) security portal. The first time you add the service, you'll be prompted to answer several questions to verify your identity. The questions will match the name and address you provide with the existing public record information. If you don't have sufficient information in the public record to verify your identity and aren't currently credentialed by the Department of Health, then you'll likely need to submit a paper application, as you won't be able to access the Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Management System (HELMS).

Getting Started

To get started you must register with Secure Access Washington (SAW) and sign into the Department of Health- Online Application Portal - Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Management System (HELMS). Please read Steps 1 and 2 completely before creating your account.

There is a $2.50 convenience fee required when paying by credit/debit card. This amount will be charged in addition to your fee(s). There is no convenience fee for electronic check (ACH) payments.

Step 1: Create a Secure Access Washington account

Select "Sign up." If you already have a SAW account, sign in with your user ID and password you previously created and continue to "Step 2" below.

If you experience problems with the SAW site, contact Consolidated Technology Services (24 hours) at 855-928-3241 or email

Step 2: create a link to the Department of Health Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Management System (HELMS)

If you're having problems with the Online Application Portal, contact us at one of the phone numbers listed below.

Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We're closed on all state holidays.

For RN, LPN, ARNP and nursing technician applicants, call the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission at 360-236-4703.

For allopathic physician (MD) or physician assistant (PA) applicants, call the Medical Quality Assurance Commission at 360-236-2750.

For chiropractor or chiropractic X-ray technician applicants, call the Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission at 360-236-2822.

For all other professions, call the Health Systems Quality Assurance Call Center at 360-236-4700, press option "1" for “assistance with health profession or facility applications.” Then, press "1" again for “technical assistance with our online application system.”